Hi, I'm Aaron

Full-stack Developer

Born and raised in Minnesota. I am a graduate of BYU Idaho earning a B.S. in University Studies with a Minor in Information Technology and an A.A.S. in Information Systems. As a full-stack .NET developer with React.js experience, I have relevent skills for today's market. I have a knack for troubleshooting and enjoy the challenges that come with programming. Click below to view my resume on Google Drive to learn more about my education and experience.



Tweet House

Tweet House is a RESTful API app using the Twitter API. The app makes use of an internal API as well.

The objective of this app was to create an app that would grab tweet data based on a keyword or username. This is accomplished by allowing the user to input a search term. Also, the app allows the user to view a random tweet from a selection of my favorite Twitter users. While building the app it gave me the chance to practice reading documentation and to figure out how to use a thirdparty API. One of the trickiest bits was to get video from the data and to get the links to work.

Programming Languages & Tools
  • .NET
  • C#

Star Wars Data

Star Wars Data was a fun app to build and allowed me to interact with an API that provided some information about Star Wars characters.

My family and I are big Star Wars fans and my kids loved using this app to find information about some of their favorite Star Wars characters. For me, the application allowed me to use Async Await and get more familiar with asynchronous programming.

One of the challenges working with this API was that it would return another endpoint for some of the data I wanted to collect. I had to think about how to fetch the data as efficiently as possible and that process lead me to learn about Promise.all(). I also took the opportunity to learn about and implement React Hooks for this application.

Programming Languages & Tools

Simple To-do

This to-do app marks my first experience with React and TypeScript. Initially, I struggled with how to do things the React way and kept wanting to do vanilla JavaSript DOM manipulations. However, the more I used React, the more I came to love it.

Simple To-Do went through a few different refactors as I learned about what React has to offer. I started off using JavaScript with React and class-based components. From there, I refactored to use TypeScript. After that I started learning about Redux, Finally, I utilized local storage and then Firebase.

Programming Languages & Tools

Snake Game

This is a version of the classic Snake Game. As a kid I use to play this on the family computer, and as an adult I use to play the game on my fist cell phone.

Snake Game provided many interesting challenges and allowed me use JavaScript to solve new problems. Building this app also exposed me to features of JavaScript I had never used, like setInterval(). One of the challenges that was most satisfying to solve was the snakes movement pattern. This required me to think about how to use and manipulate the snake's position using an array and a JavaScript Object.

Programming Languages & Tools

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